Timun Emas

Once upon a time, lived an old widow, named Mbok Sirni. She lived by herself, because her husband had long passed away and she had no children. Everyday, she prayed, so god would give her a child. One Night, when she was praying, a giant passed her house and heard her pray.
“Oh God, I really really want a child. Please, let me have one” hoped Mbok Sirni
“Hahaha,,, I can give you one”
Mbok Sirni was very shocked for hear that sound. It was scary. She went out the huose and got a big giant in front of her.
‘Who are you” asked Mbok Sirni
“Hahaha... I can give you a child, hey old Woman!! Don’t you want?” replied the Giant
“A child? I really want to have a child”
“If you bring that child, back to me when she is 17 years old. I can give you now. Hahaha”
Mbok Sirni was very happy. She didn’t think about the risk of losing her child later. And she accepted the Giant’s offer immediately. Then, the Giant gave her bunch of cucumber seeds.
“Plant it in front of your house”
Then, the Giant left without saying anything else. In the next morning, Mbok Sirni planted the seeds. And the seeds grew within mere days and blossomed plentifully. No longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from the plant.
“Wow.. Maybe, this big golden cucumber is from that Giant??”
Carefully, Mbok Sirni plucked it and carried it home. At home, she sliced the cucumber with care and caution. Suddenly, Mbok Sirni very shoked, because she saw a beautiful baby girl inside the golden cucumber.
“Oh God, look at her.. She is very  beautiful”
And the baby’s name, Timun Emas.
Years passed by, and Timun Emas has grew into a lovely and beautiful little girl. She was also smart and kind. Mbok Sirni loved her very much. But, she kept thinking about her promise to the Giant. So, in the order to safe Timun Emas, Mbok Sirni had to meet the holy man who lived in Mount Gundul. There, she met the holy man, and the holy man gave her four little bags. Each one containing: cucumeber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste.
“Take these bags, Timun Emas can use this to protect herself from that Giant” said the holy man to Mbok Sirni.
Timun Emas’  birthday has come. The Giant came to see Mbok Sirni about the promise.
“Mbok Sirni, where are you?? And where is Timun Emas??” shouted the Giant
Mbok Sirni was very shocked hear the Giant’s voice. And then she got panicked.
“Oh no Timun Emas, safe your life, take this bag with you. It can safe you from the giant. Now, run through the back door.” Said mbok Sirni
“Hm,, What do you mean mom ?!” replied Timun Emas
“I’ll explain it later. But now, run for your life.”
Then, Timun Emas run. But the Giant saw her running to the woods. He was very angry. He chased Timun Emas immediately. Mbok Sirni tried to stop him. But, he was unstopabble. The Giant was getting closer and closer.
“Oh my.. what should I do? Aha!! The bags” said Timun Emas
So, Timun Emas had to use the first bag she got from Mbok Sirni.
“Hey, what’s this?? Oww.. the cucumber seeds”
Then, Timun Emas threw the seeds. Instantly, the seeds grew into cucumbers field. But the Giant, he ate all the cucumbers and now, he more strenght.
“Oh no, he is getting stronger, and now, he closer to me!!” said Timun Emas
As he was getting close, Timun Emas then reached te second bag with needles inside. She spilled te needles to the Giant. The needles suddenly transformed into bamboo trees with the sharp thorns. The Giant was scratched and bled.
“Arghh.. I’ll get you Timun Emas, just wait for me” shouted the Giant as tried to get out from the bamboo trees. He managed to get out from the bamboo trees and continued to chased Timun Emas.
“Where are you Timun Emas??”
The Giant was still behind, made Timun Emas reached the third bag filled by salt. She spilled the salt and also the bag. The ground which touch changed into deep sea. But the Giant had to swim across the sea. He almost drowned, but he still managed to swim across te sea and continued to chased Timun Emas.
“Cucumbers field, bamboo trees, deep sea? I could passed them. What else you have, huh?” ask the Giant to Timun Emas
After that, the Giant was very close behind, made timun Emas reached the last bag, the only option.
“Oh please, I bet on this thing”
After she open the bag, she saw shirmp paste. Then, she threw the shrimp paste to the Giant. The shirmp paste instantly changed into a big swamp with hot boiling mud. The Giant trapped in the middle of the swamp. He scramed,
“Help! Help me! I could not........”
Finally, the Giant was drowned, and died. Timun Emas look and found that the Giant was not behind her anymore. She was very happy. And she went home immediately, because she wanted to meet her beloved mother, Mbok Sirni. From then on, mbok Sirni and Timun Emas live happily together, ever, and after.

Difficult Words :
-         Immediately : segera
-         Scratched : tergores
Moral Value :
“Don’t be easy to give up if you have a problem”


  1. Yes! a good moral value.... as a student if we have difficulties we must keep trying....


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